June 13, 2010

Not Normal Menstruation

Menstruation is a thing that has always been a discussion of adult women. Normal menstrual cycle is relative and not the same among women with one other woman. In a woman, the menstrual cycle is not the same between one month to another month. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, that occur during menstrual cycles 22-40 days, where the first day counted from the first menstrual blood out of the vagina.

To determine a woman's menstrual period is normal or not, then the woman should have to monitor their menstrual cycle for three months, prior to then conclude whether there is any problem. Length of menstrual blood from the start out of the vagina is two to eight days.

On a teenage daughter for the first period, will be reasonable if it has a cycle disorder, because their sex hormone not stable yet. However, the regularity can also be influenced by various factors such as illness, medications, stress, pregnancy or a cyst problems.

If menstruation has not come when you've aged over 16 years, you should immediately see a doctor. Many things could be a trigger, like the wrong diet, hormone problems, stress, a lot of thought, activity is still a lot of weight and other causes disease primarily associated with reproductive organs.

If menstruation is normal, then menstruation did not come for a month, you might be pregnant. If it were not for being pregnant, other causes could be because she was breastfeeding, use of oral contraceptives, stress, lack of nutrients, heavy activity or hormonal problems.

If menstruation does not come for two months or more, when not pregnant, the risk of cervical cancer can be high due to abundant levels of estrogen. In addition, if menstruation did not come because of lack of estrogen, then you have the potential for osteoporosis.

The things you need to watch is when you spend a little blood on the outside of menstrual periods (spotting), when there was extreme bleeding, and when there are severe menstrual pain. Further clarification about this please read here

As a guideline to assess whether your menstrual period is normal or not, you may notice the following:
- How many days before menstrual distance (since the blood out of the vagina) by now.
- How much blood comes out? Is there a day when the blood out more?
- Have you ever experienced plaque? When? Is it after having sex?
- Do you feel pain during menstruation? Which were the most hurt? On day how you feel disturbed?
- Did you experience other symptoms, like headaches, backaches, indigestion, or feel like fainting?
- Are you accustomed to drinking painkillers when menstruating?