Here are more detailed explanation:
Actually, the main factors that affect the normal menstrual cycle a woman whether it is a condition of hormones in her body. If the endocrine glands (ie glands that produce the hormone estrogen) in the female body is not working properly, will automatically affect the amount of estrogen produced. The instability of the hormone estrogen affects the menstrual cycle irregularity. Mense cycle can be changed so that longer or shorter.
Apart from hormonal imbalance factor, there are two more factors which also should not be overlooked role as a gadfly of the menstrual cycle that is physical and psychological factors. Physical factors, such as fatigue or less rest, less blood / anemia, weight gain or obesity excessive, drastic weight loss in a short time up to 10 percent of the weight should be, disorder in the uterus, and malnutrition. While psychological factors, usually something like depression and stress. This can cause the levels of estrogen in women to 'ride down' and uncertain.
Both these conditions cause the levels of estrogen in the body are not in sufficient quantity for the needs of menstruation and ovulation. For the record, if guests do not come monthly for more than three menstrual cycles, coming soon to your doctor to make sure your actual health condition. Read this for before you contact doctor.